Predictions of the Future Church
As a follow-up to my last post, I am reaching back to a post from February of 2015 written by pastor and blogger Carey Nieuwhof. I mentioned in previous posts that one of the jobs of pastors in the...
View ArticleThe world needs properly trained clergy
Certain professions, doctors, lawyers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, auto mechanics require a certain level of education and competence. One would not consider hiring a lawyer or going to a...
View ArticleReflection: Church as a Place of Healing
One of the tasks of my ministry as an interim minister is to assist the congregation in taking a look at themselves and all of their ministries. It is not an easy task to ask folks, who have been...
View ArticleSermon: The Grateful Society
This sermon is part of a series based on the book Grateful, The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks by Diana Butler Bass. In my “From the Pastor” column in the weekly church newsletter, I share a...
View ArticleSermon: At Home with God
On Sunday, August 26, 2018, I had the honor of offering the Sunday Morning Worship Service for reenactors and others at the Red Apple Farm in Philipston, Massachusetts. This is the text of my sermon...
View ArticleSermon: Take Heart
The healing of Bartimaeus is the last of the healing stories in Mark, and it is significant in that it points to the continued blindness of the disciples as to who Jesus is.
View ArticleAfter Seventeen Years It Is Time To Say Goodbye
Serving as a fire chaplain and as part of the Corps of Fire Chaplains has added a dimension to my ministry that I never thought I would have.
View ArticleCaring Hands
Sometimes we must allow others to be Jesus for us and wash our feet. It is a good reminder of how we are supposed to love and care for each other.
View ArticleAsh Wednesday
But we should not linger too long with this idea of dust, death, and repentance. We should constantly focus on the knowledge that God loves us and that our job is to bring that love into the world.
View ArticleWhat must I do?
For Jesus, perfection comes not only in keeping all of the rules but also in loving and caring for each other.
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