How Will We Be Judged?
As you can imagine, I get involved in many conversations relating to religion, life, and death. More often than not the conversation turns to how we will be judged in the end. The final Sunday of...
View ArticleWhy I Do Not Give Up Social Media for Lent
In the Orthodox Church, the first day of Great Lent falls on a Monday and is called Clean Monday. This is the day that the fast begins in earnest, and the journey towards Pascha has begun. On Sunday...
View ArticleThe Necessity of Forgiveness
The last of the preparatory Sundays in the Orthodox Church is the Sunday of Forgiveness. This is the Sunday that we call to mind the expulsion of our first parents from paradise and the Icon of this...
View Article10 Tips for Stress Control
As people, we are under more and more stress each and every day and that stress is not good for us. Stress can, and will, affect us physically and spiritually as well as emotionally so knowing how to...
View ArticleFear of Flying
I have an intense almost paralyzing fear of flying. I have not always had this fear, and I am not sure when I developed it but sometimes, like now, just thinking about flying turns my hands moist and...
View ArticleThe Humanity of Jesus
I am not a big fan of biblical movies. Now I will admit I do like the 10 Commandments, but the recent, so-called, biblical movies have been more movie than the bible. However, I recently had the...
View ArticleIt Is Well
I have the very high honor of serving as chaplain for a local fire department as well as for the military, and it is one of the most rewarding aspects of my ministry. Serving those who serve carries a...
View ArticleJust Hold My Hand
Dementia is a horrible disease that robs the person of their memory and their life. Dementia is not a specific disease, but it describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory...
View ArticleIt’s Not Just about the Numbers
Recently, the Pew Research Forum released a study concerning the religious landscape in America. The results are sobering for those of us in church work and require much thought and consultation...
View ArticleMinistry of Presence
Much of what we do as clergy can get lost in the sameness of life. The humdrum of life marches every forward moving us along with it. Sometimes we go from meeting to meeting, Sunday to Sunday just...
View ArticlePastors and Social Media
I am always on the hunt for tools for my pastoral tool bag and I recently stumbled upon one that is just amazing. The Pro Church Tools Podcast “brings together the brightest minds in church to share...
View ArticleYou are a Royal Priesthood
In the daily Bible study work that I am presently engaged in, (sign up here) the focus is on the First Letter of St. Peter. At the present time we are working our way through the second chapter and...
View ArticleWhat is Progressive Christianity
For a few days this week I am attending the National Church Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Progressive Renewal. The first observation I will make is that church people still have...
View ArticleFaith Without Works is Dead
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” Martin Luther was not a fan of the...
View ArticleChurch as a Reflection of the Community
When churches were being built in America they were often built in communities by people who live in those communities. What happens when the church no longer reflects the community? Ron Edmondson...
View ArticleEldership in the Church
To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching...
View ArticleFaith communities urge U.S. to resettle more Syrian refugees
Church World Service (CWS), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and other faith communities are urging the U.S. government to resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees this coming fiscal year, in addition...
View ArticleThe Wrong Kind of Religion
The post The Wrong Kind of Religion appeared first on Fr. Peter Michael Preble.
View ArticleSong of the Day ~ Greater
The post Song of the Day ~ Greater appeared first on Fr. Peter Michael Preble.
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